Panchdeep Metal is manufacturing and supplying a comprehensive range of SS 420 grade flats. The product because of effectiveness in its quality is found to be widely used in engineering, structural as well as in mechanical applications. The offered product range is designed by making effective use of good quality of raw materials sourced from reputable market vendors. Furthermore, the use of latest technology and modern tools has also played a good role in enhancing the quality of flats. As the product is offered in various specifications, a buyer can choose to buy one as per its needs. Keeping the buyers budget in mind, the product to global buyers is offered at affordable rates.
The attributes that are making product ideal are numerous-
. High tensile strength
. Good dimensional accuracy
. High tensile strength
. Heat resistivity
. Highly corrosion resistance
. Excellent surface finishes
. Anti-corrosive
. Hugh durability
. High flexibility